Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Friend

A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24 KJV)

This scripture like all scripture has more than one meaning. It has the natural meaning; that man can have a friend who is closer to him than a brother, and the spiritual meaning; that Jesus is our brother who sticks closer to us than any other.

This is a unique scripture that gives me great peace. I have a brother, I'm blessed I have a brother.
Unfortunately he's younger, in better shape & more intelligent than I am. He is amazing and cool and loves me tremendously and would do anything for me. Because I've experienced this love in my life and because I have seen it and felt it and have lived it, this scripture has even greater meaning to me.

If an earthly man who sees my faults and my shortcomings; an earthly man who I have hurt and letdown. If an earthly man still cares about me and loves me to the degree that I know my brother does, how much more does God love me? The God who created me, gave me a purpose and desires to spend eternity with Him.

That is what is so exciting about the Christian life. We have a chance to live life here for 60, 70, 80 or more years, then, if we choose Jesus, we get to live in eternity with Him.

As a friend, Jesus looks to fulfill the desires of our heart. Now this eternity thing is cool. Some Christians have this idea that we will be hanging out around the throne of God for eternity, worshiping God. The reality is, God created eternity for us.

Eternity is actually an amazing place that will take us all of eternity to explore and enjoy.  Our friend has set into motion a series of events that will bless us into and beyond eternity.

A friend is precious - a friend is a blessing, as heirs of eternity, we are blessed beyond what we could ever imagine to have a friend like Jesus. He never brings up the past, never reminds us of our failures, instead, He works all things for our good.  Amazing!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hunger for Worship


I wonder how many Christians attend Sunday services with real expectation of experiencing the manifest presence of God?  There are so many different aspects to service, but I am convinced that the base element of a great worship service is found in the response to worship by the congregants. 
With the wide variety of worship styles and music we have available today, added to the different expectations of people, what we need is an understanding of worship from a spiritual perspective. 

The first response to worship from most Christians is usually a purely fleshly response. It usually starts out something like this; "I feel that today's worship was...." or "I think that the worship was..."
I can think of nothing more frustrating as a pastor who has taught on worship, led worship, preached on worship and lives a worshipful expression each time we gather.  Of course, I need to deny my frustrations and give it all to God, realizing that for most, the revelation of worship is still veiled.

If we can somehow take a trip back to the Old Testament times and live with the tribes of Israel for a while.  If we could take this trip and still retain the knowledge of the wonderful expressions of worship we have available to us today, thanks to technology and modern instrumentation, we should emerge with a true revelation of worship.  

It was never about how well a song was performed, or how loud or soft the music may be, but instead, it was about the connection of the individual to presence of God.  Worship that is heart driven, heart motivated and heart delivered, will always touch the throne of God, will always draw men to enter into the presence of God.  Lost in the presence of God, not because of perfectly executed or sung songs, but because of a hungry heart for the presence of God.

If we come hungry, I mean really hungry, whatever is laid before you you will partake, and be grateful.  Hunger takes imperfect music, voices, and tempo and after eating and digesting, the release is gratitude and gratefulness, thankfulness and heart of praise and worship.  
If we desire to be in the presence more than we desire to be "pleased" by certain music, or "touched" by certain songs, then that hunger will translate into a wonderful feast in the presence of a Holy God.  

Worship is so much more than many Christians can understand. It is not often understood by the mind or approved of by emotions. Worship is a sacrifice, a yielding of one's own ideas and expectations.  Worship is grasping the opportunity to be in the presence of God, and lifting a sacrifice of thanks for that opportunity, regardless of the vehicle, music or voice, that helped in your "transportation" into the presence of God.

Before I had a revelation of worship, I would find it hard to understand how anyone could be moved into the presence of God when, for instance, someone with a terrible voice sang with all their heart. My flesh would cringe.  

I remember the evening that my eyes were opened.  As this young man sang, and his voice cracked, and missed notes, suddenly I saw the wickedness of my heart and I broke down, cried and experienced one of the greatest moments of my life. That night, worship took on a new meaning.  

I could now, enter into the presence of God in the midst of  a Christian rap concert or a choir of angelic singers.  The vehicle no longer mattered, all that mattered was that I could - I could worship, I could choose to worship and be grateful for that exact moment.  It is another opportunity afforded me by God to come into His presence.  

I no longer look for specific worship styles, not that I do not have my own favorites, but if God chooses to enjoy and inhabit our praise, whenever the opportunity arises, in whatever venue, I will accept that invitation and be grateful.  

Lost in the presence of God, all music takes on a different form. I'm not sure if its because of angels joining in the chorus or if its because the spirit realm is so fulfilling.  Today, I prepare for worship by checking my heart, I force out every thought other than God, I eliminate any distractions by closing my eyes if necessary and I choose to not listen with my emotions.  I am training my spirit to control my mind will and emotions as I yield my body to the desire of the spirit.  I come hungry, I come starving for God.  I must have His presence - We could live 1000 years and still never experience all of Him.  

Friday, January 4, 2013


2013 - sounds to me like something out of a sci-fi movie. Sometimes its hard to believe so many years have passed by.

Over the past 30 years, I have experienced many changes, not just personally but as a church leader.  The expectations of the 80's and 90's slowly faded and a new reality has taken hold.

Christianity today looks the same as it always has, however, the acceptance of Christianity and the perception of the Evangelical Community has shifted dramatically. 

Over the past 2 decades we have seen countless programs geared to attract people back to church and to Christianity. Some have been successful and others no so.  But although there have been pockets of growth, the church as a whole has been apathetic.  Clearly, it was not man's plans that would usher in the new revival. 

Today we are seeing an increased anxiety level among all age groups. Fear of what the future holds as well as all the hype about the changes in the earth's atmospheric conditions is weighing heavy on the minds of many.  Fear mongering by unscrupulous marketers of apocalyptic materials have caused a flood of questions especially among the youth of our nation.

So many of our teen and young adult generation are seeing an unprecedented weak economy and jobs market.  The future looks bleak, and any hope for a life, at least equal to the baby-boomer parents who raised them is illusive.

This, my friends, is the hopelessness the enemy has planned to use for destruction of our youth. But  our God is not taken by surprise.  He has a plan to use this time of fear to bring eternal hope to the world.

Where else can America turn for answers except to the church?  It is the church, the Body of Christ, which has been in preparation for the coming wave of salvation's soon to flood the doors of a church near you. This may sound foolish or impractically hopeless, but faith tells me, what seems foolish to the world is a sign of a soon coming boon to the church. 

Over the recent few months, I have noticed that the Holy Spirit has been talking to leaders all across this nation. The messages all have a familiar ring. Stay the course, the Great Grace of God is about to be poured out on this country.

Our Hope is in Christ, and Him alone.  His church is in rigorous training for the battle of souls which lies ahead.  This will be the battle of our lives, but the draw of the Holy Spirit on the heart of man will be unmistakable.  No plan of man can do what God has arranged for this season.

The political and social events unfolding around the world could not be manufactured or orchestrated by any man or group of men. What we are seeing before our eyes is the result of thousands of years of heavenly battles about to be played out right before our very eyes.  The heavens are about to declare the glory of the Lord in a way like never before.

The churches that are ready, that can handle the influx of people and the barrage of Spiritual questions will be the ones which will grow in the fashion of the New Testament churches we have all only read about. 

In the 1970's we saw a sovereign move of God, the Jesus Movement, where many of today's Pastors and leaders were drawn by God and transformed overnight.  I anticipate this next move of God to dwarf that movement as a precursor to the unfolding of the events written about in the Book of The Revelation.

The excitement I have is is hard to explain. What I share today, I do in humble awe of the amazing Grace of God's plan for mankind.  I am once again  reminded that God chose to use me, with all my flaws and with all my shortcomings.  I know only one thing, God is Good.  He gave me more opportunities to walk the right road than I deserved.  He was the only one who did not give up on me. The only one who loved me and continued to love me until I was healed, whole and walking in righteousness. 

My life is not my own, it is His to do with as He pleases.  I only pray I can be used one more day to touch another life for Christ.

Be ready my friends, the time of abundance is at hand. It is not dependent on us, or our abilities or talents, it is all about Him.......