Sunday, April 6, 2014

Declare your Future

Declare your Future

The creative power of words
Its one thing to believe you are blessed but when you say it
That’s when the blessings come looking for you
The scripture says let the redeemed of the Lord say so

Believing is good
Desiring is good
Thinking is good
But eventually you have to declare it
That’s how you give life to your faith

God didn’t just think things into existence
He had it in his heart
But nothing came in existence
until he spoke them
His words set things in motion

We are created in His image and likeness
We are designed the same way
We are spirit beings

You can believe big things
You can have faith
You can have big dreams
But then what?
What’s the problem

Nothing happens until you speak it
Until you declare it

When you say
I’m coming out of debt
I’m the head and not the tail
God s favor surrounds me like a shield
Opportunities will find you
Good grades will come your way
Promotions will overtake you

It’s good to believe that you are healthy
Its good to believe that you will overcome this illness
That’s good
But you must declare it
That’s when faith is activated

When you declare
I will live and not die
With long live will the Lord satisfy me

Making declarations every day
Will help you live the life you were intended

Declare it every day before you leave the house

Say it
Things shave shifted in my favor
God is about to show me something I have never seen
When you begin to talk like that

Angels go to work on your behalf
They are opening new doors on your behalf
They begin arranging things in your favor

All of us are hoping or believing for something today
But are you giving life to your faith
by speaking it out today

Psalm 91:2-7
 This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him.
For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day.
Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.

I will declare
And he will do

The psalmist went around declaring it
And God became his strength

If you are bold enough to declare it
Then God says
I’m bold enough to do it

Have you ever declared
that your dreams are coming to pass
have you ever said
I will pay off my house
I will start my own business
I will loose this weight I will
I will get my degree
I will see my family restored

Whatever God has put in your heart
it has to get into your conversation

we must begin to talk like its going to happen
talk like its already in the way

We cannot speak
IF its going to happen
but WHEN it WILL happen

I had a friend many years ago
Who worked for me
Who was believing for a child
They had tried for years
But one day
They began to speak as if they were pregnant
In fact
He would say things like
Well when my wife gets pregnant
I won’t be able to work the same hours
This went on for many years
Some of our friends
Thought they were deluded
Kind of crazy
They were getting too old
And this talk went on for so long
That most people
Didn’t even want to be around them

This went on for years
After about 9 years of declaring
They got pregnant
And a year and half later
They had another child

They spoke about it for so long
It became a very part of them
The faith became so real
It was manifested in the natural

When we were looking to purchase this building
We didn’t just think about it
And pray about it
Those were important
But we didn’t stop there

We began to declare it
I cannot tell you how many days
We would come here and drive around this building
Or get out and walk this property

Declaring it as ours for the glory of the Lord
It became a part of our daily discussions
We didn’t worry about all the finances
and the difficulties
But in the midst of the trials
we kept declaring it

We said of the Lord
You are bigger than any obstacle
We know that if you are before us
Who can be against us

we declared it and God did it

What are you saying of the Lord today?
What are you declaring in your life?

Most of us are declaring the reality of our life
My problems are very severe
My marriage is so messed up it can never be healed
I made so many mistakes my life is a mess
I got us in big financial trouble, and we’ll never get out of it

Stop what you are saying

don’t talk about how big your problem is
Talk about how big your God is

When you say of the Lord
You are my healer
My way maker
My restorer
My vindicator
My supplier
My dream giver
My stronghold
My victory

That’s when God will show up

Are you declaring victory over your life
Your family
& your career

When you get up in the morning
You need to make some declarations

My children will fulfill their destiny
Our family is healthy and prosperous

We are debt free
And we have great favor

When you declare favor over your life
God will make things happen
That should have never happened

Now I know to many of you
This sounds foolish
And than God for that
Because if I were making sense to you right now
I would be really concerned
Because I am not speaking about natural things
I am not here to give you 3 steps to feeling euphoric
I’m here to day to give you truth
And the scripture says that the truth will what?
It will set you free

We are not free
This society is not free
We are bound up
Bound up in our troubles
In our circumstances
We are all bound up in things
and our lives are not as happy and prosperous
as they were meant to be
God is here this morning to give us a truth
One that can
If you will take hold of it today
It can revolutionize your life

1Co 2:14-15
 But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

You in your natural man
In your natural hearing
In your natural vision
In your natural sense of smell
In your natural sense of touch
You can NEVER understand the things of the Spirit of God

Listen to that carefully
Because too many of the Church is deceived today
We are all looking at our Christianity through the eyes of
The natural man

We get emotional
We are moved emotionally
We have lost the ability to discern the Spiritual intention
Of everything happening in our lives

When things to wrong in your life
What do you do?
You try and figure out what happened
Then you try and fix the problem
That is exactly what society is doing today
Every time we have a new tragedy in this country
Men with good intentions
Rise up and try to implement new laws to stop that tragedy from happening again

In our lives
We say
I will change
I will not act that way again
I am sorry
And you may be
But until you discern the Spiritual Realm
And what is actually happening
You cannot overcome the problem

The first problem we have is we talk about our problems
We glorify our problems
We want to make our problems the center of attention
My back is bothering me
My boss is a jerk
My car is about to die
My wife is a nag
My husband is lazy

The Spiritual man hears these things
And realizes the problem
It is --- what is spoken

We are created to create
What are we creating
We are creating our future each day

I love young children
They have such an ability to see things
Because they have yet to be tainted by life

Daddy I’m going to be a doctor
Well daddy is an unemployed hog catcher from
No mansville Florida
And he cannot see that as a possibility
So what does he do
He dashes her dreams with his reality
And not the Spiritual Truth

Mommy I’m going to marry a wonderful man
Who will take great care of me and we will have 3 kids
And 2 dogs and we will be best friends
The problem is Mommy didn’t have that
She met a man who promised her the world and delivered her hell instead
So she hears her daughters dreams filtered through her pain
And dashes her dreams with her reality

We do it all the time
I will be out of debt
Then we go and complain that gas prices are so high
Or milk costs – whatever it costs

Our thinking has been polluted
And so our speech has been polluted
And therefore our life has been polluted

Its time we line up our speech
with what the scripture says
when we do this

We unlock the heavenlies

I’m in another dimension today
You need to move out of the natural dimension
That your in
and get on over into the spiritual dimension
because that side is much more real

Nobody can stop you when you are in the right dimension
Ask Jonah
You can get on a boat and try to run
But it won’t work
Because if you were meant to do something
Then God will send a huge fish your way
But one way or another
You will
Eventually end up in Nineva

See as Christians
Once we realize that we work in another dimension
No body can stop us
No one can judge us

He that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

Your past has no bearing on your future
Your destiny has nothing to do with your past
Your past actions cannot hinder your future progress
Because you are in another dimension
And the world cannot judge you

1Co 12:1 
Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

This means you can be saved and be ignorant
Unwilling to do what you know you should

The tragedy of being ignorant is that you don’t have to be
The words that you speak are very important

Now here is the catch to all this
This works in the positive as well as in the negative

If you are always saying ‘I m so unlucky
I never get any good breaks
You are moving towards more bad breaks
If you say ‘my back has been bad for a long time
You are moving towards more sickness and pain
If you say
My life is a mess I don’t think  I’ll ever be happy again
You are moving towards more discouragement and unhappiness

If you will change what you are saying
You will change what you are seeing

The scripture says
Romans 4:17 (KJV) 
(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

Call the things that are not as if they were already were
What we usually do is just the opposite

We call the things that are as if they will always be that way
We describe the situation

The gas prices are so high
I can’t see how we can make it
We are just calling in more lack

Man my boss is driving me crazy
You are calling in more struggles and problems

Don’t use your words to describe the situation
Use them to change the situation

If you want to know what you are going to be like in 5 years
Listen to what you are saying today

For me
5 years from now
I’m going to be stronger & wiser
I will preach better messages than I ever did
Don’t say amen to that
I will be better looking and
Healthier than ever

Pastor mike
When you get old
Your hearing goes
Your legs get tired
Your eyes get weak

Too many people are speaking what the circumstances
Are showing
And not what faith says

When you change what you speak
You change your destiny

in spite of what has been
Going through your family line
You are a new creation
You have new blood running through your veins
Your youth is being renewed
You are prophesying your future

Beauty for ashes
Joy for morning

New beginnings are in my future

The best of my life is before me
Moving away from self pity and
Moving towards God goodness in a new way

We should make positive declarations over our lives every day
Whatever you want to see changed
Declare it daily

For instance
If you struggle with self esteem
Declare this instead
I am confident
I am valuable
I have royal blood flowing through me
I am one of a kind
I have favor on my life
I am a child of the most high God
You declare that
And you will go out with a new attitude

If you struggle with past mistakes
Proclaim this
I am forgiven
I am redeemed
I am wearing a robe of righteousness
God is pleased with me
God not only loves me
He likes me

The scripture says
Let the weak say I’m strong
It doesn’t say
Let the weak talk about our weakness
no you cannot talk defeat and expect to have success
you cant talk sickness
and expect to have health
you cant speak lack
and expect to have abundance

In a tough time
When someone asks how your doing
Don’t get into a litany of all the bad things that have happened
Dog hates me
Washing machine broke
Gold fish died
Lost my job
Car is broke

By the end of all that
Both of you will end up depressed

Instead begin to change your words
How are you doing
I am blessed
I am healthy
My life is getting better every day

What you consistently talk about
You are moving towards

Pro 6:2  You are snared with the words of thy mouth……………….

Most of us have spent years saying negative things over our lives
I’ll never get out of debt
My marriage is a mess
Ill never break this addiction
No you have to send your words out in a positive direction

Every day declare that your dreams are coming to pass
Its not enough to just believe it
Nothing happens until you speak

When you say of the Lord
The Lord will do it

I am blessed
I am prosperous
I am strong
I am healthy
I am talented
I am creative
I am confident
I am secure
I am disciplined
I am focused
I am attractive
I am well liked
I have a good personality
The right people are in my future
The right opportunities are heading my way
I will accomplish my dreams
I will overcome every obstacle
This is  my year
Things have shifted in my favor
God is about to show me something I have never seen
It is bigger and better than I ever imagined
I am the redeemed of the Lord
And I declare it today

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